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SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® Treatments in Portland, OR

You may have seen hyaluronic acid as an ingredient in moisturizing creams or serums. The FDA approved modified hyaluronic acid gel in SKINVIVE by JUVÉDERM® keeps your skin hydrated, looking healthy, and glowing for 6 months without additional treatments. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is a skin quality treatment that works beneath the surface to improve smoothness for healthier-looking skin no matter your skin type or tone. In clinical studies, patients who were treated with SKINVIVE by JUVÉDERM® reported high satisfaction with how glowing, hydrated, refreshed, and healthy their skin looked.

If you’re considering aesthetic medicine treatments, it’s essential to consult with a qualified provider at Laser Skin Solutions to discuss your goals, preferences, and any concerns you may have. We can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual needs to help you achieve the best results. When you’re ready to learn more about how these services can help, reach out and schedule your SKINVIVE™ treatment or free consultation.


Hydrated skin is key to healthy skin

Hyaluronic acid increases your skin’s natural hydrating ability to retain moisture and softness. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM®, a modified hyaluronic acid gel formula, helps the skin retain its natural moisture and softness leading to an improvement in the skin smoothness.

Replenishes hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid, a water-attracting molecule found in your skin, naturally decreases with age and sun exposure. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® microdroplets of hyaluronic acid help address the effects, such as texture changes and dullness. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is the first and only hyaluronic acid microdroplet injectable indicated to improve skin smoothness of the skin and hydrate from within—without a series of treatments.

Hydrates from within

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® boosts your skin’s internal hydration for more glowing skin. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® works within your skin. This is in addition to your personal topical skin care routine that protects the skin barrier.

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® hylorobic Acid Injections Promotion at Laser Skin Solutions in Portland.

Enhance your natural glow—without changing your natural look

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is injected as tiny, intradermal microdroplets of hyaluronic acid within the dermis layer, so you won’t see any change in the shape or volume of your face—just healthier looking skin for a lasting glow. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is the first and only hyaluronic acid microdroplet injectable indicated to improve skin smoothness of the cheeks and hydrate from within—without a series of treatments—for a glow that lasts through 6 months.

Skinveve Hyaluronic acid injections at Laser Skin Solutions in Portland, OR

What to expect during your treatment

  • Multiple microdroplet injections—where a tiny amount of product is injected just below the skin—are performed on each cheek by a specialist
  • During your appointment, your licensed specialist should explain the procedure and provide after-care directions
  • Lidocaine, a common pain reliever (you get it at the dentist), is an ingredient in SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® to keep you comfortable
  • Minimize strenuous exercise, exposure to extensive sun or heat, and alcoholic beverages within the first 24 hours following treatment.

How much does a treatment cost?

Each treatment includes 2 syringes (1 for each side)

For a limited time $625 Regularly $700

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Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about our SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® treatments:

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is the first and only hyaluronic acid microdroplet injectable indicated to improve skin smoothness of the cheeks and hydrate from within—without a series of treatments—for a glow that lasts through 6 months.* (Lasts 6 months with optimal treatment. Glow was reported by patients using a validated questionnaire that included satisfaction with how radiant their skin looked.)

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is made of modified hyaluronic acid, a molecule that naturally occurs in your skin. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® microdroplet injections replenish your cheeks with hyaluronic acid to hydrate from within. SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is designed to help the skin retain its natural moisture and softness leading to an improvement in the skin smoothness of the cheeks.

Since SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is hyaluronic acid, it is technically a filler. However, the modified hyaluronic acid in SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® is designed to improve cheek smoothness and hydrate from within for smooth texture and a radiant glow—without changing your face shape or volume.

Treatment with SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® has minimal downtime, especially compared with other skin quality treatment recovery times that can stretch up to 2 weeks.

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® takes, on average, about 15 minutes to inject. This does not include consultation and evaluation time.

The results of SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® are clinically proven to last up to 6 months with optimal treatment. An optional touch up may be needed to achieve the desired aesthetic effect, so we recommend seeing your licensed specialist every 6 months to see if you should get treated.

SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® was studied in people with all shades of skin.

You may have seen hyaluronic acid as an ingredient in moisturizing creams or serums. In SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM®, hyaluronic acid attracts water within your skin to keep your cheeks hydrated and smooth looking.

People in the SKINVIVE™ by JUVÉDERM® clinical study experienced cheek skin smoothness lasting consistently through 6 months and reported high satisfaction with how glowing, hydrated, refreshed, and healthy their skin looked through 6 months.

Receive the Best Possible Skin Care and Body Contouring Treatments From Our Team

At Laser Skin Solutions, we are dedicated to helping you achieve the best possible medical aesthetic, skin care and body contouring outcomes. Our team of experienced professionals offers a range of advanced treatments and personalized services to address your unique needs and goals. We offer ongoing support and guidance throughout your treatment journey, including post-treatment care instructions, follow-up appointments, and access to skincare products to help you maintain and enhance your results. Whether you’re seeking wrinkle treatments, cosmetic injections, skin care solutions or body contouring treatments, Laser Skin Solutions is committed to helping you achieve your desired outcomes and feel confident in your skin. We are here to support you every step of the way on your path to healthier, more radiant skin and a contoured physique.

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